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辽宁省辽东十一所重点高中联合教研体2024届高三第一次摸底考试英语 考卷答案






It was a n early morning when Shane 44 the hoofbeat(马蹄声) of horses. He got45 and got out of his tent only to see his 46 horse running after a herd of wild mus-tangs. He tried to 47 Mongo but a snowstorm stopped him.He reported Mongo 48 and for three years, he kept coming back to the same placewhere he left Mongo but he had no 49 . Shane made sure people knew that Mongo wasmissing and even got in touch with the authorities. In 2017, Shane finally gave up on Mongoand 50 he was dead____After five years, Shane was 51 to hear the good news about Mongo. An official sent____him a message that his favorite horse was still alive. Mongo was 52 at a gathering. It wasan effort to manage the population of horses in the area.Shane drove for four hours to see the 53 and was so happy to 54 with his oldfriend. He had experienced many 55. However, life can be kind to each of us. It will giveus something sweet after the tough time.41. A. set off B.grew up C. came about D.went through42. A. Sadly B.Hardly C.Likely D. ThankfullyA43. A. skiing B. shopping C.camping D.fishing444. A. tapped B.stopped C.observed D.heard45. A. curious B.angry C.anxious D.freeB466. A. ordinary B. energetic C. beloved D.naughtyB477. A. schedule B.catch C.remove D.admit488.A. dropping B. missing C. combining D. adjustingC 49. A. fun B. money C. courage D.luck


( ) 55. What did Selina do with the money finally?A.Taped it on the whiteboard. B. Gave it back to the owner.C. Donated it to an institution.D. Bought food for the children with A IS.C.Dont be so angry with yourself.D.Don’t be so confident in yourself.

5.英国数学家贝叶斯(1701-1763)在概率论研究方面成就显著,创立了贝叶斯统计理论,对于统计决策函数、统计推断等做出了重要贡献.根据贝叶斯统计理论,事件A.B,A(A的对立事件)存在如下关系:P(B)=P(B)$$A \right) \cdot P \left( A \right) + P \left( B | \overrightarrow { A } \right) \cdot P \left( \overline { A } \right) .$$.若某地区一种疾病的患病率是0.01,现有一种试剂可以检验被检者是否患病.已知该试剂的准确率为99%,即在被检验者患病的前提下用该试剂检测,有99%的可能呈现阳性;该试剂的误报率为10%,即在被检验者未患病的情况下用该试剂检测,有10%的可能会误报阳性.现随机抽取该地区的一个被 检验者,用该试剂来检验,结果呈现阳性的概率为A. 0.01 B.0.009 9 C.0.1089 D.0.1


关于作者: yun

辽宁省辽东十一所重点高中联合教研体2024届高三第一次摸底考试英语 考卷答案的热门文章