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1、2022-2023学年广东省佛山市顺德区华侨中学台山班高一(下)期末英语试卷一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. _ is known to us all,things can easily go wrong when people are under _.()A. Which;controlB. As;loadC. It;strengthD. As;stress2. This is the second time I _ pictures with my own camera. It is about time that the head teacher _ up his chi

2、ldren.()A. havetaken;pickedB. hadtaken;shouldpickC. willtake;pickD. took;picked3. The reason _he didnt come was _he was ill()A. why;thatB. that;whyC. forthat;thatD. forwhich;what4. He talked a lot about things and persons _ they remembered in the school.()A. whichB. whoC. thatD. what5. If I hadnt be

3、en caught in the traffic jam,I could have been back by six oclock What a pity!Mary_ here to see you.()A. isB. hadbeenC. wasD. hasbeen6. -Are you going to take part in the speech contest?- Its too good an opportunity to miss()A. NoproblemB. ThatsforsureC. Whyme?D. Howcome?7. I will never forget the d

4、ays _ we spent together and _ we made friends with some farmers.()A. when;thatB. that;whenC. which;whenD. which;which8. Those _ have not got bikes may go by bus.()A. thatB. whoC. 不填D. which9. -Didyouasktheguard_happened?-Yes,hetoldmeall_heknew()A. what;thatB. what;whatC. which;whichD. that;that10. –

5、Rememberthefirsttimewe_,Ed?-Ofcourse,IdoYou_asongonthestage()A. havemet;sangB. met;sangC. met;weresingingD. havemet;havesung11. Hardly _ to the airport _ he was surrounded by many journalists and fans.()A. thefamoussingerhadgot;whenB. thefamoussingergot;thanC. hadthefamoussingergot;whenD. didthefamoussingerget;than12. -ImtryingtofindyesterdaysnewspaperHaveyouseenit?-ImafraidthatI_itawayIthoughtyouhadfinishedreadingit()A. threwB. hadt



关于作者: yun
