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[国考1号2]第2套 2024届高三暑期补课检测(二)英语 考卷答案

[国考1号2]第2套 2024届高三暑期补课检测(二)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于[国考1号2]第2套 2024届高三暑期补课检测(二)英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


[国考1号2]第2套 2024届高三暑期补课检测(二)英语试卷答案


[国考1号2]第2套 2024届高三暑期补课检测(二)英语

2.What is special about Thierry Mugler: Cout uris sime?A. Its ticket costs more than the other three.B. Visitors can enjoy a 4D presentation.C. Some of its exhibits can be viewed online.D. Visitors can appreciate dresses from around the world3.What do the two exhibitions in London have in common?A.Both of them charge the same admission fee.B. A popular designer will atten the two exhibitions.C. The themes of the two shows are related to the latest bags.D. Both of them can be visited on Feb. 18 , 2023.

[国考1号2]第2套 2024届高三暑期补课检测(二)英语

tiny pieces and was 49Mom’s supper tray(托盘) arrived and I 48d and I 48 her bed to a seated position. I cut her food into50frwas 49 to see her eat a small portion.sayfrom my visit and the effort to eat s upper, Mom quickly fell asleep. I 51 gofeew days longer, bgoodbye – I did, and don’t 52 it. “Okay dear, I’ll see you tomorrow, ”she said. She lived aand 52me as her own.few days longer, but that evening was the last time she would 53Afefew months after she died, I 54 Mom’s well-used recipe album down from its new home onmy bookcase. Ski ming through it would be 55 , but somehow, I hoped.the bot toAs I 56 handled the folded and worn recipe, I noticed 57 for mocha(摩卡) buttercream attom of one card, 58 in my m other’s neat h and writing. I had found my special birthdayfrosting! Now, I will be able to recreate the 59 to treat myself and 60 my m other’s legacy(遗产).41.A. preparation B.behavior C.tradition D.habit42.A. giftB.relief C.pityD.pain43. A.at times B.at a time C.at no time D.all the time44.A. visits B.stays C.meetings D.greetings45.A.looked B.listened C.turned D.remained46.A.came across B.looked through C.picked up D.looked for47.A.memories B.experiences C.attitudes D.performances48.A.carried B.removed C.raised D.upgraded49.A.angry B.happy C.worried D.confused50.A.Free B.Different C.Thrilled D.Exhausted51.A.imagined B.hated C.considered D.avoided52.A. believe B.admit C.mention D.regret53.A.recognize B.remember C.mind D.question54.A. brought B.took C.returned D.passed55.A. difficult B.awkward C.exciting D.emotional56.A. gradually B.eventually C.carefully D.cheerfully57.A. instructions B.impressions C.expectations D.qualifications58.A. covered up B.added on C.ended up D.filled out

9. How did the scientists get needed data?A. By employing technology. B. By searching on the website.C. By analyzing previous data. D. By turning to the firefighters.

[国考1号2]第2套 2024届高三暑期补课检测(二)英语

关于作者: yun

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