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百师联盟·江西省2024届高三一轮复习联考(9月26)英语试题,目前高中试卷已经汇总了百师联盟·江西省2024届高三一轮复习联考(9月26)英语试题的各科答案和试卷,更多高中试卷请关注: 趣找答案

高二英语听力文字及答案1-5 ABACC 6-10 BACBC 11-15 CBAAC 16-20 CBACAText 1W:Why don't you go outside?You're always sitting inside the house-mostly watching TV.It's summertime.Go for a bike ride with your friends or play basketball at the park.M:I don't feel like it,Summer is for being lazy.I work hard all year at school,and all I wantto do in the summer is sit around and relaxText 2W:Give me the keys.I'll drive.M:No way!You drive like a crazy person.I can't let you touch my car.W:You've been drinking too much.You can't drive in that condition.Give me the keys,orelse you can walk.Text 3M:Gas prices are up again.We're going to have to stop driving everywhere.I think weshould buy some bikes.W:Or we could move to another state.California's gas is the highest in the nation.Text 4W:If I could go with you,I would.But I can't.M:Why not?It's not far.W:What are we going to do there,though?Buy some things,or sell some things?M:Both.I'm bringing some of my chickens'eggs.We could trade them,or we could getmoney for them.Text 5W:Stop!M:What's the probtem?W;A black eat just walked across the road in front of us.Now we have to walk backwardsuntil we reach the street we just passed.We'll haye to take that road instead of this one.It's badlek te keep going in the same direction,after a black cat crosses your path.Text 6W;Is it really alf-you-can-eat for only $12.50?That price is not bad.M:That's what the sign says.But take your time.Otherwise,you might become ill.W:Ill?From the food here?M:Yes,if you eat too much food too fast,you might start to feel sick.W:Wow,I never thought about that.Any other advice?M:Yes,try the cherry pie.It's delicious.W:I don't like sweets.I will stick to the meat and yegetables.Text 7M:Where is the camera?W:In my suitcase.M:Take it out.W:In a minute.I need a break first.M:But I can't wait to see the pictures we just took.W:I said in a minute.M:Please?W:Fine.Here.M:Great.Let me see…This is you in front of the cabin,and you on the beach,and you in thesea…All pictures of you!W:Sonot true.M:Then show me one without you in it.W:This one.M:This is just a picture of the sky.What about me?You didn't take any photos of me.第1页共5页

关于作者: yun
