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[重庆大联考]重庆省2024届高三年级10月联考英语 考卷答案






30.What can we know from the last paragraph?A.The limitation of the study.B.The process of the study.C.The details of the study.iN G suD.The’application of the study.


13. What can be inferred about meaning-seekersA. They frequent high-end stores.B. They think products extend their livesC. They he site to make decisions.D. They make more purchases with m one

( ) 9.In the story, Limbo feels sad because .____A.she argues with her best friend LeeB.her best friend Lee gets lostC.her best friend Lee moves awayD.her owner doesn’t want her anymore


关于作者: yun

[重庆大联考]重庆省2024届高三年级10月联考英语 考卷答案的热门文章