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7. What kind of person do you think Dahlquist is?A. Generous B. Creative bnaC. Humorous m D.Strict


参考范文: The day I expected finally cane. When I stood at the starting line, I felt excited but a little nervous. Itried my best to follow others. After running about two kilometers, I felt tired, but I thought I could overcomeit. To my disappointment, about five kilometers, I found I couldn’t stick to it any more.“Do I give up thegame?”I asked myself. The answer was definitely a no. I slowed down so that I could feel better. “Come on, boy! You canmake it, ”a man shouted. I was grateful to him for his words. I went on running.However, I had to give up after ten kilometers because I was really out of breath. Besides, I felt sharp pain inmy feet and legs. I was so upset when I got home. My dad gave me a hug and said, “My boy, don’t lose heart!You’ve done better than the last time. Keep training, and you’ll succeed next time.”Since then, I have kept thewords in mind, and done everything with such an attitude. 主观性试题评分细则 各阅卷老师一定要严格按本评分细则操作,不能擅自给分。评分细则中未出现的新情况由组长与专家组商定后再确定给分。


23.What can we learn from the text?A.Macy’s features a typical advanced and modern style.B.The NewYork Public Library is improving its service.C.The Empire State Building is the world’s tallest building.D.The New York Times was created in the One Times Square.


关于作者: yun
