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2023新高考单科综合卷(二)英语 考卷答案






61. They are making every effort to find a whole new to the job.____A. method B. way C. approach D.means


1.What are the speakers going to do?C.Make a shipping list.A. See a film. B.Go shopping.


tastask, you won’t get a reward.you complete a task, you know you’re going to get a reward. Likewise, if you don’t complete anyask, d.19Create positive habits over time . 20tar In order to make motivation a positive habit, a personand there but that should be done cautiously.needs to try and start completing activities every single day. Of course, it is fine to miss a day hereA. Reward yourself.B. Assess rewards for different achievements.C. Some people find motivation easy to come by.D. Instead, make a list of achievable goals for each day.E It usually takes around two months to develop a habit.F.So over time, you associate rewards with being motivated.G. It is not difficult to develop a positive habit related to motivation二、写作(35分)


关于作者: yun

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