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On March 24, I 1
(head) to Baikonur, with my sister and family friends. It would be my last opportunity to see my da ad 2
he leaves the ground and moves with great force for the International Space Station. This is my dad’s-3(four) time in space but my first time at a Russian launch. I wasn’t quite sure 4 I would feel about seeing my dad sitting on top of a rocket,
(get)ready to move off into space for the whole year. I had heard that it would be
6 roller coaster of emotions Yet as the rocket was launched in the far distance, it lit up the desert with such beauty. It was hard not to think of 7
I) dad while looking at the astonishing brilliance of lights This was him- leaving Earth. I almost didn’t realize that my sister was pressing my hand

关于作者: yun
