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2023湖南炎德英才师大附中高三3月联考英语 考卷答案考卷答案






16.How long did Marco Polo live in China?A.For 4 years. B.For 17 years. C.For 24 years.


6.Every time Ipass a field of corn, I think about how I grew up (visit) you at fields____just like that.

The king seemed to know what the duke was planning. So they went upstairs and set thebag of money on the table. The king counted it out in front of everyone. Then he pointed to thegirls and said, “These poor little lambs. They’ve suffered so much. I know what my brotherwould want me to do.”He turned to the duke and made those hand signs. The duke watched for a minute, then hiseyes brightened up like he’d finally caught on. He gave the king a big smileThe king said, “Here, Mary Jane, Susan, and Joanna. Take the money. Take it all.”The three girls started hugging him again. But the town doctor, who’d stood watching the



关于作者: yun

2023湖南炎德英才师大附中高三3月联考英语 考卷答案考卷答案的热门文章