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皖智教育·省城名校2023年中考最后三模(三)英语 考卷答案






19.What does the book’s publisher like about the book?A.Its pictures. B. Its simplicity. C. Its imagination.


have had a really 58 ending.”But Volpe saidit was 59 because he was one of the se a-side first-aid volunteers. They were impressed by his good qualities and 60 to help othersin the future, too.C 41.A.turned B.stopped C.tripped D.skippedT 42.A.right B.view C.reputation D.weekday43.A. pretending B.continuing C.hesitating D.forgetting4.A.falsely B.rarely C.slightly D.critically45.A.escape B.help C.relief D.shelter46.A.bed B.door C.water D.hospital47.A.cries B.warnings C.instructions D.assumptions48.A.leave off B.go down C.fade away D.come in49.A.remove B.hide C.form D:protect50.A.alive B.calm C.sleepy D.vag uueC51.A.locate B.block C.shock D.warm52.A.commercial B.medical C.electronic D.administrative33.A.worker B.photographer C.brother D.husband4.A.agreed B.connected C.dealt D.cooperatedC 55.A.met B.understood C.recorded D.instructed56.A.deaf B.familiar C.sensitive D.gratefulA57.A. lucky B.curious C.anxious D.sorry58.A.unique B.happy C.different D.ordinary59.A. something B.anything C.everything D.nothingC 60.A.afforded B.resolved C.failed D.regretted

A.ifC.unlessB.when( ) 39. Helen to take out the rubbish____to take out the rubbish after doing her homework, but se forgot.doiD. was askedA. asks B.askedC.is asked


关于作者: yun

皖智教育·省城名校2023年中考最后三模(三)英语 考卷答案的热门文章