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陕西省2023-2024学年度高一第一学期阶段性学习效果评估(一)英语 考卷答案






2.What does the woman want to know?A.How to read a book. B.What the homework is.C.When to discuss a book.


Sent its found that schoolaged children leam new knowledge and skils faster than hep b asme i do with a chemical(化学物质) called GABA in our brains It 4 brain noise to help our a insne ing . I also makes new knowledge stay longer n our heads so that we can lem things more ar s oldm o 3 peoples brains, the scientists scanned(扫描) the brains of children(8- years oroa d gr on us 18-35 years old) before, during and after doing a learning task It turned out that the une opsGABA 44 gui c kly when children learn new things . 45 there’s little change in adults brains. This tells us46children are better learners than grow ups. It could also be used to help grow r ups learn faster by 47GABA in their brains.Also, here is some 48 from the scientists to help everyone learn better:MMake a learning timetable to 49 your time well.Get enough sleep and exercise to make sure you have the energy to learn.Take 50 of key points to help you remember them.Teach others so that you can understand the knowledge better.41. A. creates B.protects C. reducesD. heats42. A. easilyB.politely C. slowly D. proudly43. A. mistakes B. changes C. feelingsD.decisions44.A. stops B.drops C. remainsD.rises45.A. But B.SoC.OrD.And46. A. whenB.where C.which D.why47. A. hiding B. checking C.recording D. increasingC.news D.doub48.A. progressB.advice49. A. regret B. waste C. manageD.block50. A. notes B. jokes C. seats D. trips

22. What do both Blue Mountains and Rottnest Island offer?A. Hiking. B.Diving. C.Watching whales.D.Watching dinosaurs.


关于作者: yun

陕西省2023-2024学年度高一第一学期阶段性学习效果评估(一)英语 考卷答案的热门文章