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河北九年级2023-20234学年新课标闯关卷(五)HEB英语 考卷答案






根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。项There areare some very strange school rules in the world that might shock you, from not letting you mfriends to mopping and cleaning the washrooms. Here are some of them from around the world. makeStudents can not make best friends in school.That’s right! Friends play a very important role in our school life.B36 No, right? Well,as’s Battersea, a UK-based school, banned having best friends to protec i s tt idents feelings.Thonaseach ers can not use a ruse a red ink pen to grade students papers.Te (北京师大)高二英语(一) 第5页 共8页


41.A.established B.examined C.entered D.equipped42.A.check in B.give up C.show off D.move out43.A.aid B.duties C.awards D.test44.A.appointed B.begged C.forced D.persuaded

18. Why is the tree planting event scheduled?A.To increase vegetation cover in local areas.B.To call on students to work in the mountains.C.To raise students’awareness of environment protection.


关于作者: yun

河北九年级2023-20234学年新课标闯关卷(五)HEB英语 考卷答案的热门文章