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[渭南一模]陕西省渭南市2023届高三教学质量检测(Ⅰ)1英语 考卷答案






6.What seems to be wrong with Mary?A.She is tired from a trip.B.She has been feeling ill.C.She suffers from lack of sleep.


33.What can we learn from Sander foot’s words in paragraph 3?A.Birds actually dislike living in big cities.B. It is very difficult to identify bird species.C. The findings arent what he expected.D. Human footprint hardly affects bird species.


34.What does the underlined word “plausible” in the last paragraph mean?A.reasonable. B.sincere. C.complex. D.unacceptable.


关于作者: yun

[渭南一模]陕西省渭南市2023届高三教学质量检测(Ⅰ)1英语 考卷答案的热门文章